The 400 pound mile

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

So today was a hard day. As expected when I woke up my arms were sore, really really sore. Shaving was a challenge as was getting dressed. I cancelled the boxing today as I was wayyyy too sore. Maybe I am taking this too quickly. My push for 60 hours at week continues today, with another 8 hour day at work.

On other news, the tiredness is starting to come back, I think it might have something to do with the exertion yesterday, but I am definatly feeling very slow today. I went to the bike shop today, I think cycling will help with the getting back in shape. I am looking at around 700-800 dollars!!! I mean, I know that is not alot for a bike, as I have been looking around, but I was hoping to just drop 300-400 for my first one, than work it up from there.

Stats at the gym today, since Im using this as a log too.

5 miles on the bicycle (spinner) Aim is 5.25 tommorow

6 meals today

Cereal and toast this morning 10am

Protein Shake 1:30pm

Tune Sandwhich and a bottle of diet coke(mmmm) 3:30pm

Tune Sandwhich and water (5:30pm)

Salad (7:30pm)

Protein Shake (9:30pm)

Steak :D (11:30pm)

So as you can see, it seems like alot of food space out like that, when in reality Im barely hitting 2000 calories. At least I usually feel full.

Thinking of taking ephedrine again to help with the energy, would just take a small ammount 5 days a week, with weekends out, as I hate the mood swings.

Ciao for now.


  • At 5:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Where did you find it? Interesting read »

  • At 11:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » » »


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