The 400 pound mile

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Why try to be something that does not exist?

So today I stumbled across a odd site. We are going to talk about models and airbrushing. The models us man and woman idolize, the ones we try to look like. The one we think about before we eat a second helping, who are they really?

How many of you have seen Usher, and wished we had his 6 pack, or how many girls have gone by the local 7-eleven and saw the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition and wished you have the body they do?

I am willing to be every single one of us, overweight or not has done this. We torture ourself day in and day out, wanting to look like these people. This is an awsome motivator, the problem happens though when we never achieve what it is we are trying too. We are never quite able to get to where we need to be, to be as perfect as them.

Here is an example of something some woman wish they could be, maybe even a little leaner.

Here we go, more or less perfect body. Something to strive for, perfect skin, perfect face. Overall absolutly beautifull.

Now!.....What did this girl look like before an artist got to her?

WHOA! do you see this difference? HOLLLLLY Crap! Now that is insane.

As you can see, what we are striving for is fake, we can never reach it because it does not exist. Yes, she still look absolutly beautifull, but beautifull in a way we could become. The picture above is beautifull in a way we will never be able to reach, because it does not exist. What we need to strive for is what we want to be, nothing less. Don't be discouraged because you cannot become the model in the magazine, none of us can, save by an artists brush in a photograph.

These pictures were taken from this site here

He has many many more exampled, I would go check it out if you can.

What do you guys think of this? Was it as shocking to you as it was to me?


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