The 400 pound mile

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Everyone has a story

As those who have been reading my blog know, I am back in highschool at a continuing adult education center. At this center everyone has a story, of either failure or success, or both. One thing everyone shares in common is they are there working away at it now.

I am in law class on Wednesday and a freind of mine Scott is pretty upset. Apparently his old lady and him are going through a divorce and he might be loosing custody of the kid. So as we are sitting in law class the teacher mentions 3 assighmnets comming up. Scott hasnt been able to do them. About 30 minutes later, another friend of ours asks Scott if he has studied for the history test next class. Scott at this time almost starts balling. A girl beside us asks if hes ok, he answered no. Than she asks I though you wanted to do good this term.

Well, than Scott just loses it. He said something hit home pretty hard. "It is so hard to make something out of your life once you are down, everyone keeps pushing you and pushing you thinking they know what it is like, they have been where you are, and they havn't, not at all, they have no idea. "

This is just one of the many stories at my school, another would be my friend Rebecca.

Rebecca is 21 years old with two kids. Now, I know alot of sympathy from many people are gone right there. The thing is, Rebecca is trying, alot harder than most people. She is a single mother of two kids. The father is on welfare, so no childsupport. Rebecca is on welfare as well, but as she told me, only for the daycare they provide so she can go to school. Rebecca also holds a part time job. If anyone here has been on welfare, they deduct a dollar from your check for every dollar you earn here in Canada.

So Rebecca is earnign enough that her welfare check is 25$ a month. Here is a single mother of two, working instead of just taking the government money.

I guess the point of this post is to show that everyone has problems. As much as your problems are bad, and you think that you can't overcome them, people somewhere have them worse. Im not talking about other countries, Im talking about in your city, in your own neighborhood. Im sure if you sit there and think of whatever is affecting you, you can think of at least 4 or 5 people who would have issues or higher hills to climb. Just sit and think about it, and you can find someone who still had to reach the point you are even at. Has anyone here met someone in life who has inspired them? Or have you met someone who has made you think, I don't have it so bad, I can't give up.


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