The 400 pound mile

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Phase 2

Well hello to everyone again. This is the second phase of my weightloss. The first was the go for it try, and obviously fail, we all knew it would happen, as it always does. For the final push I am going to do a mixture of what worked for me well in the past and what I love to do now. So what pushed me over the edge perhaps? What gave me the will to do this?

My supervisor Paul had a heart attack last week, scared the shit out of me. Paul is only 30, and already had a heart attack, the scary part was Paul leads the same lifestyle as me more or less.

So I am going back into bodybuilding, it was what helped me so much the first time, when I droped 75 pounds and went from size 48 pants to 38. I am going back to that with a mixture of cycling. I love weights, and the feeling of pushing my muscles more and more, so I am going back to that. This might not be for everyone, hopefully, If I succeed you can sit back and go "Well Tyler failed and came back and did it, I can too!"

So that is what this is going to come down to. Balls to the wall, no hype, no jumping for joy, I am sitting here looking at the path. I think I have come to the realisation, and the feeling that is it, It is not that I don’t want to be fat anymore, I am jus tired of it, and it is time to do something about it. People say quiting smoking is useless, unless you actually want to quit, unless the idea that smoking disgusts you, and to be honest, the idea of being fat disgusts me. So this is it.