The 400 pound mile

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Can I cut off my legs please?

Yep thats right. Chop em right off, throw em in the trash. I'll cycle with my hands if I have too!

I went back to the gym today for the first time in forever. It was also the first time since I canceled WoW. And the first time I've done any actual real excersize since I started WoW. Needless to say I am sore. I feel like every bone in my body is crying and I just want to roll over and die.


The workout lasted 10 minutes....

Thats right, 10 minutes on a cross trainer and I was ready to die.

I think my muscles started deteriorating, just slowly died away as they were not needed to play WoW. In 7 years I am predicting a mass influx of wheelchairs for WoW players, all 7 million+ will need them, since we do...nothing.

So what does this tell me?

That I am literally in the worst shape of my life. I have never, never been not able to do less than 30 minutes on thos machines. I could usually do an hour fine. So here I am, worst shape ever.

So what now? I mean, ouch, 10 minutes and I die?

Well for that motivation we will go to a picture of a good friend of mine...


Tom was wheelchair bound and on oxygen. Now he bikes regularly for a few hundred miles a week.

Here will be my motivation to get back into shape.

So I will post tomorrow, and let you all know how it went, how many minutes I did.

10 minutes...


Sunday, December 31, 2006

To Love Life, 2007 Commeth

And so this year finally comes to an end. Goodbye 2006, a year of hard lessons, one that I think had made me, and many people grow wiser and one that has prepared us for 2007. A new year full of possibilities and new things to do, hold onto and create.

So what have I learned from 2006, what lessons has it taught me in life?

Number one, is never to take anything for granted. Joey and I went through a few scary momments with each other where I thought I could, might lose her to health issues and other things. Every time we bounced back and stayed together. Each time I realised how empty I feel without her and how thankfull I am for her. As well my mother, who is suffering from MS. I am thankful for her and have learned to not take for granted the everyday things I hold little value too. These two people have kept me grounded and aware of the little things life has to offer and that I should appreciate.

Number two is procrastination is the death of all of us. How often do we all use excuses like "after this show", "after this game," "Im just going to finish this first". One of the hardest things I have done in my life is admit to myself I was doing nothing with it, and admit it honestly.

Thirdly we have games. My struggle that I pray will be put behind me. Gaming is not wrong, it is an entertainment to keep us amused of course, and due to that it is not wrong. It is only when you begin cancelling commitments you have that it steps over the bounds of a entertainment to an addiction. Playing for 2 hours a night when you have nothing else to do is fine. When you are skiping school and work, avoiding friends to play and putting off homework to get that last piece of equipment is when it becomes an addiction. This would be the hardest lesson 2006 taught me, and one of the cruelest. A lesson well learned though.

New years resolutions I think always fail. We always have these huge expectations of what we want. Every year we put it down into writing and strive for it with all we are!

For about 2-3 weeks.

Than we are done with that.

I have many plans for this year, for 2007. I plan to make this a year to look back on and go "That was a golden year". The only resolution I have that I will put down in writting is this.

I will grab life by the horns and ride it for all its worth. I will experience life and taste its feast with all I am, and when 2008 comes, I will have a hundred stories of laughter and sadness perhaps to share. I will be able to look back on 2007 and say "That was a year I want to live over and over". For 2007, my resolution will be

To love life.