The 400 pound mile

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Carb Lies and Why People Fail with them

So, over the last two years, the only diets I have tried are the low carb diets. As was predictable, I failed on every diet. The reason for it? I gave up carbs, all of them.
The problem with this is that you need carbs. A big reason being that carbs make you full. If you really think about the fficiency of this diet,the guy who invented the low carb diet..died obese. Obviously, if the guy who made this diet cannot follow it, why would you be able too?

The only carb restrictions I put myself on, are non-processed carbs. I also limit most of my carbs to pre-workout, post-workout. Now this is not a low carb diet. A low carb diet would be under 20grams/carbs a day. I consume roughly, 120-150 grams of carbs every day. From extensive reading on the subject of dieting, and from my own experiences, I have found that carbs are not bad for you..but are needed to be successful in any diet program.

With carbs, you have good carbs as well as bad carbs. To put it plainly and simple, too many bad carbs and your bodies metabolism becomes slower as well they are harder to process. With good carbs, the metabolism stays the same or increases also they are easier to process. There is alot more science behind it, but that is the jest of it all nicely summarized.

So what are some good carbs Tyler?

To put it plainly, good carbs are not processed, and contain a fair amount of fiber. For example; whole grain bread, oatmeal and whole-grain cereals, legumes, veggies, fruits.

What are bad carbs Tyler?

To put this plainly, bad carbs are processed. For example: white bread, white pasta, soda, sugary foods, including ice cream.

I have mostly switched out of any processed foods, I still splurge here and there, but they are mostly all gone. Also there is a major...majoooooor reason you want high fiber foods. Fiber fills you up. 2 pieces of whole wheat bread with fiber, while not only healthier, will also fill you up better.

The major problem with low carb diets, is you have no energy. None, zip, nada. You sit there all tired for a week, dragging around, feeling like crap, wondering why dieting is so hard. What happens next?

They quit, they give up, because they are always hungry, always tired, and miserable. As I said, there is a reason the creator of this diet died obese.

So why are carbs good? (only the good carbs mind you)

* They fill you up
* They give you energy to work out
* They keep you energetic throughout the day
* They help you stick to eating healthy, since you do not feel as if you are punishing yourself
* They provide alot of nutrients your body needs, therefore making you healthier.

Those are just a few of the reasons, but the main ones. If you want to lose weight, you need to understand that you need to be healthy as well. Loosing a 100 pounds, but still being out of breath running up the stairs, or having your body always sick because you did not consume enough nutrients is not any good. Loosing a hundred pounds, being able to play with your kids, and being healthy, that is what you want to do.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Binging and bulimia

Well that sucked

Don't know why I am posting this, but this is suppose to be jorunal. So today I did something dispicable, something I have given alot of friends shit for. I threw up on purpose after spluring on poutine. I ate a large poutine at work, and went to sit down...I felt so guilty I went to the washroom, stuck my finger down my throat and threw it all back up. I am ashamed of this, but also glad I did, at least most of the calories are gone from the poutine. I still feel full though and think there might still be some left...its tempting to go finish and make sure its all gone. I feel disgusted with myself, with binging like I did, for doing what I did as a result, just disgusting in general. It was my fault today for not packing a lunch. Im not sure if I feel sick from throwing up, or from the fries that are still in there. I honestly feel sick as a dog right now *sigh* Im going to make sure I wake up in time to pack food, I really dont want to fall into the trap for splurging than making myself throw up.
Quiting Smoking

I myself have never smoked, perhaps for those that do and want to quit this will help. As I know somewhat about addicitions (food, gamming) I know every ounce of motivation helps. :)

Btw this was stolen from this blog

1. The nervpain will be less obvious and easier to handle.
At least when I’m totally free from the nicotine. But the rest of the chemicals that can be found in tobacco will have an effect on the nervous system, so just to get rid of those to a start will make a difference.
2. My pancrea will most likely get a better chance to heal.
For the same reason as above. Smoking has a stressful effect on the pancrea as well.
3. Less heartburn.
Smoking creates more acid in the stomach and I really do have enough of that as I have.
4. My taste buds will go back to what is normal for any non-smoker.
This will take some exercise, otherwise I will end up gaining a lot of weight. The last time when I managed to stay away from smoking this way I gained nearly 20 lbs, which was darn difficult to get rid of. And it was all because food tasted so damn good….heh
5. That goes for the sense of smell as well.
This is a good thing as long as there are no smokers around me. I know for a fact that I can be a real pain when I feel the smell of smoke, and it has to do with an increased sense of smell.
6. My apetite will increase.
See above…heh This however has to do with a lot of things, not just that food taste and smell better, but also that my body is going back to a natural stage of being healthy and can absorb the good things in food in a better way.
7. I can actually sing when I’m not smoking.
Yawp, I can. When I first found out it surprised me since I had no idea that I had a good singing voice at a grown up age. That will improve after about a month.
8. Even though I’ve been told that the oxygen level in my blood is excellent, it will improve and I will have more energy.
This means that Robin will lose weight because I will chase him around like crazy….lol
9. I won’t smell like an old ashtray anymore.
Just facts.
10. I will save about £4 a week (roughly $7 a week).
Which isn’t a lot of money, but it’ll pile up in the end ;)
11. I don’t have to care about smoking and non smoking areas.
This is something that most smokers are aware of most of the time no matter where we go. And with the smoking ban here in the UK in summer 2007, it will get even more complicated than it is today.
12. I will have a freedom that smoking takes away.
Not sure if this will make much sense…but after being a smoker for 32 years, don’t take for granted that it’s a choice anymore. To me it’s like being a prisoner in a body that’ll crave a poison that it’s gotten use to. It doesn’t mean that it is a pleasure anymore.
13. The risk of developing cancer again will be smaller.
Knock on wood. I’m aware of that my own mom was full of cancer without smoking as much as a cig during her entire life, but I do believe that it won’t hurt not to smoke either. And I sure don’t have to push those limits more than I already have. Having cancer once was more than enough.

My brother is going through quitting smoking at the momment, so I can see how hard it is on some people. So goodluck to all those that are trying, just keep with it!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Ah The Pain

So went and did arms at the gym last night, overdid it again, oww it hurts. This is good though, since when your arms hurt you know for sure you are rebuilding them. So went and did arms all last night and chest. Spent more than an hour and a half in the gym, I think I am starting to get addicted to that place. Today is an off day for me, from any cardio, gym, as I am just plain drained. I think I am getting the flu so many of my fellow bloggers have given, perhaps you guys sent it to me through the blognet through the fat fighters blog roll, since most of them were sick last week.

Friday is going to be a big day. I am doing down to the running store to get shoes. The cough potatoe to 5 k program is working awsome, but my showed are starting to fall apart. I will need two new pairs on Friday, so this will be awsome.

Oh.. I realised today...I need a belt for a pair of pants that use to be tight :D

Not quite at 46 yet, but need a belt for I must be 47? Either way its an awsome feeling to have to use a belt again.

Well Im going to crawl back into bed, feeling the sickness come back, have an awsome day everyon!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Woot! 7 more pounds gone!

Yep thats right, 7 more pounds on the week. Total 15 down now, and feeling good. So that goes to show all you potential dieters out there that you can snack and still loose weight as long as you stay active and eat properly the rest of the time. So 15 down now. :)

On another note, I sort of forgot to set my alarm this morning, so morning cardio is starting tommorow instead of today hehe :)

Oh, someone asked for my protein shake recipee so here it is.

1 Scoop Protien Powder (Chocholate Flavor)
2 Bananas
500 ml mil
500 ml water
Strawberries/grapes/oranges depending on what I have
Mix and put into two bottles. :)

Well adios for now guys :)

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Morning cardio, and Grocery Shopping

Well, the weekend has been slow for me so far. I sort of fell off the horse as some would say, but I am going to get back onto it tommorow. Tommorow I will start to try and do some morning cardio, a little cardio before classes. So at 6 am..I will join tons of other people who do this, and start a day out with some morning cardio.

Now, some people might ask what are the benefits of morning cardio. When I did weightlifting, it was always recommended to do morning cardio before eating anything, as your body will burn more fat this way. So a quick search of google showed that morning cardio does indeed burn more fat, as long as it is low intensity. So what I am thinking of doing is 1 hour low intensity trainer/treadmill in the morning and 1 hour high intensity in the afternoon. I need the HT cardio to get my cardio endurance up. So wish me luck, I have been getting up at 9-10am every morning for the last few months, and to start at 5am should be fun.

Now, onto something else that was bugging me as of late. I try not to be critical of overweight people, as I am one, and especially ones that are changing as I am, but the grocery store was just ridiculous when I went. Everyday we see people on TV complaining that so and so company is contributing to being overweight, and so and so product is increasing obesity. Now these complains are somewhat valid, along the same line as GM helps to contribute to car deaths because they make cars.

For anyone that does there own grocery shopping, there is no reason you cannot have healthy, good food stocked in your home. As I sit there picking up some fish, lean ground beef, and some boneless skinless chicken, other people are picking up bacon by the pounds, regular beef and battered chicken. Now, free choice is wonderfull, but this is where the problem of obesity starts in our country. It does not start with laziness (though that is an issue) it does not start with how busy people are (though that is an issue as well). The problem with obesity starts with Mr and Mrs smith shopping at local big value grocery mark, picking up fattening, salty food for little Jimmy at home.

People really need to understand that they themselves make the choice of what they put in there mouth. As well, it is your money you are spending on the food, so you decide. It does not take much to put choose lean beer over regular beef, and the .8cents/pound difference is not alot. Nor does it take alot to know for 7.5$ at the local burger joint, you can have 2 subway cold cut subs on whole wheat bread and a diet coke. Not only can you have more, the subway will not make you tired afterwards from all the fat!

To any personal trainers out there, or friends of people that are trying to loose weight, the best thing you can do for your client/friend/familly member is go with them to the grocery store. Walk with them through the place, purchase foods for the next 2-3 days not 2-3 weeks, stay on the outskirts of the store, which is where the healthier food is located. With maybe an extra 10 minutes of your day in the grocery store you can change your entire life overnight, just by picking up something different on the shelf.

Lifestyle changes start at the grocery store.