The 400 pound mile

Friday, March 03, 2006

Well last night was pretty bad. I messed up my diet with a bag of dorritos, a 6 pack of beer and chineese take out. It was a cheat day, but I didn't go to the gym either. So overall it was a day that my ass will love as it grows a little bit more. So Thom sent an email to me that sort of cheered me up, if you guys havn't yet you should go click on his link on the side and visit him. So this weel has been pretty hard, a pretty huge emotional rollercoaster with some people. Hopefully this weekend I will be able to get back on track.

I start classes on Monday, my last few credits I need for highschool. On this subject, I never truly understood how hard it was to go back and finish highschool once you drop out. Its almost like everytime you walk up to the school to finish your credits, it is sitting there staring you in the face telling you you have failed. Than after you are sitting in class, you realise that hey, you are there, you are making this work. So I am there, finishing her up, with a high enough average to get into the nano-engineer course over at Waterloo. So here I am, one year ago a high school drop out, overweight, stuck playing video games 10 hours a day and unemployed, and now a kid almost done highschool, going to University, planning to go to Cairo and Europe this year, quit gamming, working full time and loosing the weight finally. Amazing what a year can do for some people eh?

Had someone else send me an email that said when I am down to look back over the last year for motivation and it works. So I guess my plans for next year are to visit Europe and Cairo, get accepted to University and be at the weight I want.

So for those looking for motivation

March 3rd, 2005

400 Pounds
Addicted to Gaming, playing 6 hours a day
No excersize
No job
High school drop out
No future
No Hope

March 3rd 2006
400 pounds still :p
Quit gamming
Working out 4-5 times a week
Finishing up his diploma
Working towards University for 2007
Planning a trip to Europe and Cairo for Fall 2006

Seems people can change alot. Hopefully next year will be a whole new list of things.
For these things I really need to thank my mom, my dad and Joey. They were the one who really pushed me to change my life and made sure I didn't fall back into bad habits, and I really put them through hell for it. So thanks guys. :)

Now a plug hehe :D
I registered up for blogmad which is a blog exchange service. It is one of the best, and gives a 1-1 ratio which is usually what you get when you Pay other services. As well the blogs listed it in so far are really really really interesting. Sooo, since you guys obviously want to sign up for a service with a 1-1 ratio and help me out with some referals....

Now since it is invite only...all I ask is that you comment here and Ill send you an invite :)

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Good Morning everyone

Went to the gym last night around 10, pounded out 8 miles in 30 minutes on the stationary. Than I went and did stairs on a 25 stair flight.

For those that do not know what stairs are, you run up and down stairs 6 times. Thank a 1 minute break, than 5 times. Than a 1 minute break. You repeat this until you are done the last one, if you get there. I am at 3 right now, started at barely doing 5, so almost there. That was tiring as anything though.

After seeying the numerous top 10 lists. I decided to come up with one of my own. So this is the top 10 of things I already feel from my 2 week of lifystyle change.

10. No more Coffee
Due to the meals being spaced out, I am always awake. Therefore I was able to just stop drinking coffee without even trying.

9. Cycling wakes you up.
Worked a 12 hour shift, was exausted, instead of going home, I went to the gym for an hour. When I was done I was fresh and wide awake.

8. The Joy of foog.
I guess fast food/pre packaged food, food on the go does not taste as good as I always thought it did. Even dorritos taste so fake. The food I am eating now is delicious, appealing and I can actually savor it.

7. My legs do not hurt while Im walking anymore
Not talking about the 10-20 mile walks. I am talking about the 2 block walk to the bus that use to send my legs into agony. Now, I can comfortably walk downtown from my house (a 45 minute walk) without pain.

6. More energy through the entire day
I know this sort of ties into coffee one, but I have a ton more energy through the day, able to do more things, and am able to think more clearly.

5. More confidence
I at least know where Im going now, and can work to get there, that is huge.

4. Better moods
As a big guy who is not excersizing, depression is the norm. The excersize high that everyone always talks about is real, you can be on a good mood high all day from a good workout.

3. Better complexion
Guess the reason geeks always are pimply is because they sit there and do nothing all day, so sweat like mad. My entire face has cleard up in a week.

2. Clothes fit more loosely.
Already in a week of excersize and three weeks of dieting, I can wear two shirts that use to be too tight for me, and I am down one belt notch. :)

1. And the number one thing I have noticed...the number I am happy overall, I am enjoying life again, I might still be huge, but I know it can change. I am happy with life.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

This is a post I wish I would never have to make.

A good friend and co-worker of mine Stacey Davis passed away a few days ago. A mother of three children and husband to another friend of mine she will be missed greatly. Always the one who would lighten up the mood here at work with a smile or a laugh, or bring in coffee for those hard morning shifts we use to work together. I had the pleasure of sharing a cubicle and working on project with Stacey for most of my time here, we spent many an hours laughing and joking together as we worked the phones together in our job. My prayers and hearts go out to her familly and children and her, I pray that they find the strengh through this hard time.

You will be missed Stacey

You will be missed

Monday, February 27, 2006 are my before pictures in all there glory.

Me in all my glory

Me again

There they are, 411 pounds before pictures. Hopefully in 14 months these will be a pianfull memory.
Well the results are in...

Comming out on February 27th...

Weighing in at........403 pounds!!!!!

TYLER HORTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, thats right! 8 pounds gone...almost under the 400 pound mark. I also hit 10 miles on the bike, life is feeling good right now. All that pain was worth it to see the scale go in the opposite direction for once. So first week, 8 pounds down. I can see the hill looking down now. Thanks for all the support this week guys..its been a hard hard hard week, heres to next week and even more of the same, with hopefully similar results.

Ciao for now.. :)

Sunday, February 26, 2006


They started...

The hunger pains

Now...this is hurting. I just finished a good shot of 250 liquid calories from my shake, plus a 180 from the popcorn, and Im hurting, like in pain, want to eat till it stops hurting. I know this is my stomach shrinking, and this is good, and I should be happy its happening..but whoever started saying that stuff never went through it, it hurts sooooooooo badly. I think this is the spot most "lose weight" programs fall apart, once the pain starts the people quit. I can tell you..that is tempting! Im having to sit here...with these pains soooo hungry.

Thanks god I left my wallet at home today, which I did on purpose, because these hurt, and I might have bought some crappy food. Its not like I can even just snack, because I did, with popcorn...and hurts.

Ugh...Im gonna go finish work..get to go home in an hour...2 hours till I get to eat my salad, than off to bed. At least asleep it won't hurt so badly.
I created a new file at Fitday .

They have an awsome section to keep track of your weight, foods ect. So I went there and put in my daily diet, turns out Im eating about 1800 Calories a day, with 200 grams of Carbs and 102 grams of Protein. The carbs I could cut down by switching sliced white bread to whole wheat pitas which I will do next Friday.

Here is my profile there if any of you guys want to keep track of me. :)

Tylers Profile At Fitday
Well...the trainer who takes me weight called in sick today, so I wasn't able to weigh in. I will be taking my weight tommorow though. I can't use the regular machines until I get under 350 again, so until than I need the trainer to do it with the other machine. Sorry about that guys, I will post back tommorow with the new weight.
