The 400 pound mile

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Good Job Joey and Mrs.Stormcrowe

Congratulations to both my girlfriend Joey and Tom's wife Mrs.Stormcrowe. They both had surgery this past well and both came out fine, with both surgeries successful.

I know myself and Tom have been stressed to the max over this and are both relieved to have this behind us. You can visit Tom's site on the left bar of this page, and Joey reads my blog and posts under the alias JD. Again congratulations to both of you! :)

On another note, it turns out me and Joey will be going to England this upcoming August, or July. A family member of hers is being married and we are going for the wedding. So even more reason to lose the weight! Mostly so I do not need to pay for two seats. :P

On another note I finally went back to the gym after much prodding from loved ones. It was awsome! I was on the bus, half asleep thinking to myself what am I doing, I need to sleep not work out, I'm so tired. So I get there, change and jump on the cross trainer. After 40 minutes of sweating my ass off I was rejuvenated, got showered, shaved and felt like a new man!. So to anyone still stuck in a rut, just get out and do it, do it once and you will remember how good it felt. Anyone else come back from a rut and remember how much they missed it?

On another note, for all my friends from Bikejournak and Bikeforums

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Need Motivation? Lets go shopping!

I can hear the cringe of thousands of people who are overweight when I say two little words.

Clothes Shopping.

Since the beginning of time, or after someone ate an apple, we have needed clothes. We usually made them ourselves, with some skin from something and life was good. Than we progressed to making some clothes and buying some, mostly life was still good. Than we progressed to buying all our clothes, which is fine, but one size does not fit all.

And when you wear size 48 pants....few sizes fit you at all.

Clothes shopping when you are skinny or a regular size is fun. When you are huge its hell. I have 4 pairs of pants right now, all of them are ripping. There is not much I can do but wait. I have about 15-20 shirts, most of them are skin tight. I know, I know its my fault, but even when you are trying, until you get to size 34-38 life is hell. I can only imagine it is 10 times worse for my female counterparts.

Another problem I face is the cost of pants for me. As a big guy we use alot more fabric. The jeans you get at wallmart for 28$ cost us 80$ at the big and tall store. I'm not overly rich, a poor student, so you can see where this problem comes in. My mom use to have to spend a ton
of cash when she bought clothes when she was big. Ah the cost of being huge.

I hate clothes shopping though. The only store I feel comfortable in is the big and tall shop, anything else and you get stared at as you are going through. Shopping in a regular store is like window shopping. You see all these clothes you want, but you can't get.

I keep a pair of pants from size 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, and the ones I wear now. Like a timeline to my fatness. Hopefully as I lose weight I will be able to fit back into each pair. Such a bigger motivation that a measurement tape, to know that I truly am getting smaller.

Anyone else keep clothes like this to try and fit in after time, to see if they can?

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Thank You Stranger, You made my week

So a unknown stranger made my week yesterday. This person, who smelt of odd flowers sat beside me on the bus. A group of about 6 people jumped on the bus and this person sat down beside me. Sat down voluntarily beside me instead of standing up. They also did it without a look of disgust on there face.

Anyone who has ever been big and used the bus knows what I am talking about, nobody ever
sits beside you. They must think that obesity is contagious, or perhaps, more understandably,
They will feel crushed by me, or someone else taking up so much space. I wonder if that stranger had any idea they would be the topic of my entry today, and be seen by a thousand or more people.

Day in day out we ride the bus is silent agony, only wishing for human contact, or acceptance and never getting it. We sit and watch as the buss fills up, people sit beside one another till there are only a few spots left. The one beside the wino, the bums, the people who obviously have something wrong with them, and last but not least, the ones who are overweight.

It is a hard blow to ones self esteem when someone would rather stand on the bus than sit beside you. I must admit that I had become so use to it, that it more or less ceased to bug me. I am use to be stared at, that huge guy in the back who looks somewhat clean (again another rare trait among obese people, it seems that most of us left ourselves go.). So when this unknown stranger sat beside me it took me by suprise. Someone actually sat beside me. The little joys some people don't appreciate make the week of others.

So to my unknown angel, thank you for making my week by doing something that is so normal.